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"(63) Telltale Signs That Mental Mutiny Is At Hand"

By Terry Goss                                  © Copyright 2001

(1).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you haven't experienced mental growth in years.

(2).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your life seems to be just run-of-the-mill.

(3).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when peace and joy seems like something in a fairy tale book.

(4).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your minds seems to have a mind of it's own.

(5).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when it seems like every little thing you do, upsets the Creator.

(6).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you have a horrendous fear of death.

(7).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you spend more time organizing and re-organizing your thoughts, than you do in executing them for results.

(8).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your life and future seems unpredictable.

(9).  You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you always find yourself in a losing situation.

(10). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you refuse sound instruction.

(11). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when no matter what you do, you always end up wasting the bulk of your time.

(12). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you don't believe the Creator or his messengers.

(13). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your night dreams run wild, out of your control.

(14). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you take a liking to the demons you know are within you.

(15). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you think the vicious aggressiveness of evil, can win in battle against good.

(16). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you protect, and cover-up for "doubt", never seeing the harm in having just a little grain of it hidden in your heart.

(17). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you see power in a lie.

(18). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when goodness and mercy refuse to follow you; for they know you are headed towards destruction.

(19). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you think you have wisdom, yet you're still living in darkness.

(20). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you start plotting to destroy your good thoughts, to keep them from testifying against you at your judgment day.

(21). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you think your evil thoughts are your pals.

(22). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you see weakness in being humble, instead of strength.

(23). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your mental programming is all messed up, and rigged against you.

(24). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when it seems you're never at the right place, at the right time.

(25). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you just don't see how having wisdom will do any good, to help your situation.

(26). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your memory starts serving you poorly.

(27). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your evil thoughts and demons start running your mental kingdom better than you did.

(28). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you don't want to hear anything the Creator has to say.

(29). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when stagnant gridlock occurs, and all mental growth comes to a halt.

(30). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you don't have a clue as to what went wrong with your mind, or how to resolve it.

(31). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your mental house is clearly divided against you.

(32). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you don't want the light to shine on your mental house, for you know it's very untidy.

(33). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you are afraid to assess yourself, for deep down, you know you are lacking.

(34). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when  you allowed doubt to move in and become comfortable; not knowing that while you slept, it would sneak and leave the back door unlocked at night, so other evil thoughts in its family, could sneak into your mind.

(35). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when  mistrust in yourself reaches an all-time high; and you can no longer ignore the situation.

(36). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you no longer have faith in anything.

(37). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when peace of mind and joy of heart pack their bags, and leave your mental house.

(38). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when torment of mind and sorrow of heart moves into peace and joy's vacant rooms.

(39). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you're afraid to hold criminal court and judge your thoughts fairly.

(40). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you begin to ponder that satan and his demons may not have such a bad takeover plan against the Creator, after all.

(41). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you feel that maybe, just maybe, if satan and his demons succeed, you might not have to face your judgment day.

(42). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you deny the very existence of satan or demons.

(43). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you don't see any harm in having a few evil thoughts.

(44). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you feel like a figurehead king, over your mental kingdom; with the gnawing suspicion that someone else is calling the shots.

(45). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your thoughts gather in small huddle groups, planning and whispering to each other, so you can't hear them.

(46). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when it seems like wisdom is hiding from you.

(47). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you have very few character traits that will stand strong throughout eternity.

(48). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you don't feel good about living; and feel you would have been better off, if you had not been born.

(49). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you haven't seen good fortune in years, and feel that a secret curse is on you.

(50). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when it seems like every time something good is about to happen to you, at the last minute, something always happen to spoil it.

(51). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your mental army is split and divided into two divisions; and instead of teaming together against a common enemy, they usually war and battle against each other.

(52). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your life always carry a dark cloud of pending doom, accompanied with a secret fear of eternity.

(53). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your mental programs are so messed up that, it seems like your mind is working against you, instead of with you.

(54). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your life seems to be in a mental rut; and no matter how hard you try to jump-start your mental kingdom, every effort fails miserably.

(55). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you just can't quite figure out why consistent misfortunes keep happening to you.

(56). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you have a self-defeating sneaking suspicion that, maybe your evil renegade thoughts, demons, and satan, know, and can really do a better job of running your kingdom, than you can.

(57). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when your evil thoughts not only disobey you, but start trying to give you orders.

(58). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when it seems like satan is playing a bigger role in your daily living, than the Creator.

(59). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you haven't prayed to the Creator in weeks.

(60). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you get so comfortable and used to the blindfold that your evil thoughts and demons slipped over your eyes, that you don't feel there's any reason to take it off.

(61). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you believe that your evil thoughts and demons locked arms with you, so you wouldn't fall; when in reality, they're holding onto your arms, so you can't get away.

(62). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you think it's more blessed to receive, than to give.

(63). You'll know mental mutiny is at hand, when you doubt your ability to lead, as king/queen of your mind.



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