| | You're
That was the correct answer!!
You know there is constant communication going on with your subconscious
mind. You are always thinking subconsciously; even while dreaming at
You think two kinds of thoughts. Thoughts that you know you are
thinking, are called conscious thoughts. Thoughts that you are not aware
of, are called subconscious thoughts.
One mind, but two kinds of thoughts. As thinker, you should have such a
relationship with your mind that you are not suspicious of your
subconscious thoughts.
How does your subconscious mind communicate with you? By your felling of
"well-being"; peace. It's a minute-by-minute signal of
"all's well". If all is not well, then your feeling of
"well-being" turns into an alarm sounding off.
There is constant communication between the thinker and his/her subconscious
mind. Giving the thinker a constant update of the affairs of their mind.
Also, constant updates of the affairs of their body.
If this communication wasn't constant, then danger could occur between
reporting periods. You would have been informed too late to do anything
about it.
Once you get to know your mind, and develop a close relationship with the
subconscious part, you can program it to signal you in a variety of ways.
Mental ruin comes when the relationship is so poor that the signals are
mis-read, or ignored altogether.
A good mental education teaches you all about mastering the art of
programming and communicating with your subconscious mind.
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