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That was the correct answer!!
You see, a clear sign of mental soundness is
peace of mind, and joy of heart.
The distance these two are from you, is an effective indicator of robust
health. It is impossible for a mind to operate wisely and grow
in strength, if it is at civil war and divided against itself.
If peace and joy are far away, then torment of mind, and sorrow of heart
are nearby. Please note: torment of mind and sorrow of heart cannot live
in the same house with peace and joy. One group must move out.
An uneducated mind can easily be operated improperly, and find itself
entangled in it's own thoughts. Soon, it may think itself into gridlock
and stagnation.
This gridlocked condition traps the thinker into a cycle of perpetual
destructive thinking. Chasing peace and joy away.
A good mental education helps avoid and remedy this gridlock condition.
Then peace and joy packs their bags and start their long journey back home
to be at your sides.
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